We’re On The Same Team
I’ve never considered myself an authority on fly fishing but I’d like to think I’m pretty good at observation.
One thing that I’ve noticed: This invisible stigma of how other people chose to fish. The private judgement of nymphers from the swing guys. The uppity laughs given to streamer huckers from bobber pros.
The alarming part of all of this is that its growing. The smugness toward opposite sects of fly fishing is becoming deeper and deeper . The first question to ask is, “why?”. Is it for the ever evolving social media fame that seems to be plaguing our precious pastime? The internet is flooded to massive proportions with fish porn of all kinds. Maybe it’s just that the accessibility is there, so why not, right? Would the old timers have done the same thing given the technology to be there? We see old photos of their accomplishments. We hear their stories of folklore and legend…
So why the segregation? Maybe it comes down to competition. Maybe its pride. Maybe its just
that you’re doing it the one way that most others you know don’t. My area is notorious for this. Swinging a fly is now “mainstream” and if you’re not doing it that way you’re just not doing it “right”. It’s especially prevalent when the nympher comes along and cleans house when the swung fly just isn’t producing. I’ve even found myself doing it sometimes. The premature judgement when you see that Thingamabobber bouncing against the rod as they make their way towards your pristine run. “How dare this S.O.B come and muck up my run with that garbage. Why can’t he swing a fly like I’m doing?”
When I find myself doing that I nowadays try to stop and just let it go. Why do I have this sick sort of entitlement that I’m doing it better than the guy down the run? The thing of it is, I’m not. We that indulge in this awesome thing called fly fishing have get back to our roots. Forget the guy down the run slinging a dropper rig or the guy upstream swinging intruders. Remind yourself that everyone has their own personal reasons why they fish the way they do.
Jim Guida Yepper that just about sums it up, fishing is fishing and its up to the angler for what style he or she prefers. There is no right or wrong way to fish as long as you are out enjoying the outdoors, natural or stocked, river or lake, small brook or anything else, just get out with friends or if you enjoy the solitude get out and have fun.
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